Montag, 19. Dezember 2011

The Winter Boredom Blog Part II

Hello again!

So this is part 2. I will probably write more parts- this winter is really boring, so far.

I have been watching a lot of youtube videos lately, and also read a lot of comments. Aside from the usual drivel, and there is a lot of drivel, the most drivel is about a very sensible and controversial topic: religion.

Obviously, it depends on the country you come from, as some are worse than others. Now, please, don't 'freedom of religion' me.

Article 18

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

Where does it say: you have also the freedom of condemning everyone who is not believing in what you are believing in, and tell them they will go to hell?

Hell must be a terrible overcrowded place. I don't think i'd get a ticket even if i wanted one. Ok i'm making fun of that now, but if you are one of those who believes you can go to hell for your 'sins', you already have a big enough problem. Maybe i can manage to cheer you up a bit.

There is that 17- year old on youtube who told his family that he was gay and received a letter from his grandmother, telling him that he would- you already know what is coming now, don't you- go to hell. For being gay. Excuse me????
Well, as he already booked the flight, he might as well have lots of fun with being gay before. He can probably (just to make sure) spend some time on writing up a pleading of defense.

I'm a spiritual person. And yes, i do 'believe in God'. I just happen not to believe in self- proclaimed prophets, self- righteous missioners and hell recruiters.

Maybe, in one religion, you will go to hell for a certain sin, while in another, its quite acceptable. Who is right then? This is actually an interesting topic. You can find this principle everywhere. Just take a look into sports forums.
Your favorite will do something you don't like, but you will find a good excuse, i'm sure you will. You will find a way to make it acceptable for you. Another one will do the same, but this time, you are going to condemn him. He will go to hell, for sure!

Never, ever talk at the theater.

I know there are enough people out there who believe in that principle. I got bad news for you, guys.
If most of your moral conception comes from being 'good' so that you don't go to hell- this is futile. You will go anyway, you know.

Don't worry though. I will be there to cheer you up.

Ok lets get serious for a moment. It is not my intention to make fun of, or insult, anyone because of his belief. It is my intention, though, to make fun of- and even insult if approbiate for me- anyone who tries to force his belief on others.
And when a grandmother tells her 17- year old grandson he will go to hell for being gay, here is where the fun stops. Any kind of moral blackmail is where the fun stops.

See what i mean? Don't do that, ever. Just don't. No matter what you believe in, no matter what kind of religion you have. Take my advice, or you will go to hell.

See what i did here? Um......if there is a place like hell, its overcrowded for sure, and people who tell others they will go to hell if they do this or that or not do this or that must be the inhabitants. Its the only way i can imagine it.

Meaning i won't have a ticket. Now thats a shame.

See you soon, guys!